Gunnison County Republicans

Political Information for Gunnison County, Colorado

Gunnison County Republicans Elephant with Flag Logo

Gunnison County Republicans new website!

We have updated our website!! Take a look at our refreshed look at In addition to the facelift, you can now make online donations and purchase your Lincoln Day Dinner tickets directly!  (Be sure to get your tickets today!) More...

Proposition “HH” is not good for Coloradans!

Review the recently passed legislation that will change our taxes and TABOR refunds!Regardless of what it is called…Proposition “HH” is not good for Coloradans! What does SB23-303 and Prop “HH” mean to you?View Bill Text:

Virtual Town Hall Q&A on Prop “HH” and your Taxes!

Join Legislators and panelists for aVirtual Town Hall Q&A onProp “HH” and your Taxes!Wednesday, June 28th @ 7:15 p.m.Review the recently passed legislation that willchange our taxes and TABOR refunds!Regardless of what it is called…Proposition “HH” is not good for...