Gunnison County Republicans

Political Information for Gunnison County, Colorado

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POLL: Rep. Lauren Boebert & Democrat Opponent Locked In Tight Race

Yesterday morning, Democrat Adam Frisch released a poll his campaign bought and commissioned that showed him and Rep. Lauren Boebert in a statistical dead heat. You can read more about the findings from the poll here at Axios.
It’s important for supporters of the Congresswoman to have some context on the poll when inevitably we are asked about it, so here’s an extra large set of key takeaways for everyone’s use:
-Yesterday’s poll was bought and paid for by Adam Frisch’s campaign, which means the exact results of the poll should be viewed very skeptically.
-Internal polls like this one traditionally skew anywhere from 3-7 points in favor of the campaign behind it, as opposed to 3rd party polls that can be more reliable and unbiased.
-We don’t need a biased poll to remind us this will be an incredibly close and tightly contested campaign for the remainder of the cycle.
-Dark money groups have already spent nearly $1 million attacking Rep. Lauren Boebert this year alone with even more expected to pour in over the coming months.
-Congresswoman Boebert is a top target for Democrats because she stands on her principles and still gets results for the 3rd District in the face of relentless attacks from the left.
-Democrats will do everything in their power to buy this seat, and that includes pushing out poll results like this designed to depress Republican voters.
-We need to be working right now to continue sharing Congresswoman Boebert’s positive message of getting results and standing on her principles through letters to the editor, social media posts, and having a clear and vocal presence at community events.
Have a great Wednesday!

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