Can you believe all the events of the past week?
Not one, not two, but three US banks need a bail out.
One bank had Barney Frank on the Board of Directors. Remember him? The Democrat Congressman who sculpted the legislation so that the 2008 financial crisis wouldn’t happen again. How could Sovereign Bank manage to go down with Bernie on board?
Silicone Valley Bank became the third largest US bank to fail. How could that happen when the CEO is a member of the San Francisco Federal Reserve? Two items to note, 1) SVB had a vacant risk management position for the last nine months, no one to watch that deposits were evaporating. 2) But let’s give them three-atta boys and an A+ for ESG and for giving BLM $73 million. $73million bought some nice mansions for the three BLM leaders!
200 additional banks are on the watch list. The US banking system is currently insolvent thanks to the Fed and the FDIC. $18 trillion in deposits “insured” by $100 billion in treasuries. Great job by the Biden appointed Jerome Powell and Janet Yellen of raising interest rates at an historic rate.
Russia shoots down a $32 million US MQ-9 Reaper drone. Putin hands out medals the next day to Russia’s pilots for their bravery. Crickets from Joe Biden. Isn’t that an act of war?
Remember Russia-Russia-Russia and the $32 Million Mueller investigation of Donald Trump? All based on the FALSE Steele dossier. It’s now reported that the Federal Election Commission fined the Hillary Clinton campaign $113,000 for using campaign money to pay for the FALSE Steele dossier. Hmm.
Now for the piece de resistance. Congressional Oversight Committee receives bank records that the Biden family received over $1 million from The Chinese Communist Party via a Hunter business associate, Robinson Walker, LLC.
Here are the bank records:

BTW, this is the first of eleven reports of foreign money flowing into the Biden family. The BIG question is what product or service did the Biden family provide to the CCP, Russia, or Ukraine ???
Time for the “Don’t look THERE, look HERE” strategy by the DNC. The day after this report is exposed the DNC decides to give some “red meat” to their lemmings. Soros funded DA from New York, Alvin Bragg, decides to do what other Federal Courts and the Federal Elections Commission decided to pass on, indict Donald Trump. Good luck with any conviction Alvin, your key witnesses are a porn star and lawyer who served three years in prison for tax evasion, and making false statements.
Just like the Mueller Investigation, the two erroneous impeachment attempts, and the investigation into Trump’s taxes, Alvin will come up empty. Another “swing and a miss”.
But hey, if Trump’s arrest keeps you from seeing the obvious Biden failures, we have one to two new feet of snow in paradise to keep you from seeing reality.
Neil Watko
Gunnison GOP