Gunnison County Republicans

Political Information for Gunnison County, Colorado

Gunnison County Republicans Elephant with Flag Logo

Summer Events and Meetings

YOU ARE INVITED to the Gunnison County Republican Committee Meetings and events for the Summer!  Meeting - June 12th at The W Cafe at 6:30 PM (Guest Speakers: Curtis McCrackin confirmed) Social Event - June 18th Social Hour at IOOF Park at 6:00 PM (Bring friends and family, blankets, chairs, snacks, etc.) Meeting - July […]

Summer Events and Meetings – July

Palisades Restaurant, 820 N Main St, Gunnison, CO 820 N Main St, Gunnison, United States

YOU ARE INVITED to the Gunnison County Republican Committee Meetings and events for the Summer!  Meeting – July 6th at Palisades Restaurant at 8:30 AM Meeting – July 10th at The W Cafe at 6:30 PM Social Event – July 16th Social Hour at IOOF Park at 6:00 PM (Bring friends and family, blankets, chairs, […]

Action Saturday, Dec. 7

Palisades Restaurant, 820 N Main St, Gunnison, CO 820 N Main St, Gunnison, United States

Please join us on Saturday, December 7, starting at 8:30 AM at Palisades Restaurant.  Doors open at 8 AM. The meeting agenda will be simple. Reports and updates New Business Old Business COMMITTEES Are you interested in getting more involved in our community? We have formed committees to help us reach all the areas we […]