January 2023 Monthly Meeting

Almont Resort 10209 Hwy 135, Almont, CO, United States

Arrive 8:00am if you want to order breakfast. Meeting begins 8:30am.

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert – District Tour

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is making a stop in Montrose during her District Tour this weekend. You're invited to come hear her speak about the recent election of the House speaker, as well as her upcoming agenda representing CD3 of Colorado. Montrose County Fairgrounds & Event Center 1036 North 7th Street, Montrose, CO

February 2023 Monthly Meeting

Almont Resort 10209 Hwy 135, Almont, CO, United States

Meeting begins at 8:30am. Please arrive early if you plan to order breakfast. See you there! OFFICIAL CALL GUNNISON COUNTY REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE In accordance with the election laws of the State of Colorado and the governing bylaws and rules of the Republican Party, the organizational meetings for the County Republican Central Committee and the […]

Monthly Meeting – March 2023

Gunnison County Library 1 Quartz Street, Gunnison, CO, United States

You're invited to join us for our regular monthly meeting. **Please note new location & start time for this March meeting.** Saturday, March 4, 2023 10:00am - 11:30am Gunnison County Library, 1 Quartz Street, Gunnison

Monthly Meeting – April 2023

Almont Resort 10209 Hwy 135, Almont, CO, United States

Please join us for our monthly meeting on April 1, 2023. Arrive by 8:00am if you wish to order breakfast. Meeting begins at 8:30am. Almont Resort & Restaurant, 10209 N Hwy 135, Almont, CO 8:30am-10:00am

Town Hall with Candidates for Gunnison School Board

Wednesday, May 3, 2023, 2:00pm Ol' Miner Steakhouse, 139 N. Main St (upper level) Please attend to learn about candidates running for school board and express your concerns about Gunnison Watershed School District.

Monthly Meeting – May 2023

Almont Resort 10209 Hwy 135, Almont, CO, United States

Join us for our monthly meeting. Arrive 8:00am if you wish to order breakfast. Meeting begins at 8:30am. Almont Resort & Restaurant 10209 Hwy 135, Almont CO 8:30 - 10:30am